Photography Master Class

July 30, 2021  •  2 Comments

I would like to thank everybody who has visited my Little Lizard Love photo exhibit in the Miami Beach Botanical Garden! The wonderful comments I've been getting in the guest book make me so very happy. The exhibition will be on display until August 15th. 

If you cannot come see the exhibit in person, you can see it HERE on this website.

I was so nervous about giving my very first photography master class in the Miami Beach Botanical Garden a couple of weeks ago, but it went very well. The garden received very good feedback and asked me to schedule another class. It will be the same class but given in the evening, after the regular opening hours so we can enjoy the beautiful soft light for the photo practice.

   The class will include an overview of basic principles of photography and a Q&A session, as well as a photo critique. We will walk the Garden at this magical time of day practicing the principles just learned. Bring your camera or cell phone, questions, and desire to take your photography to the next level. A glass of wine and a snack will be included.

Target Audience: Beginner photographer

– Provide an overview of basic principles of photography
– Guide you through making a photograph, not just taking one
– Get inspired to learn more about photography

To register, please click this LINK to go to the Miami Beach Botanical Garden Website.

Be well, my friends, and stay safe! 💙


How about 2023? Will there be any master class? If so, where can we register?
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Whether you want to take your first steps into music production or graphic design, launch your own business, or improve your skills in brewing coffee or building furniture, our Master Classes are designed to deliver practical knowledge in the right sequence — so you can learn what you need when you need it. If you're going to invest time in learning something new, we believe it should always be practical, hands-on and immediately applicable.
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